I know all of you Bachelorette fans out there are just waiting for me to write my opinion of last nights show. Ok, maybe not. But you're going to hear about it anyway. And I know there are lots of you "closet" Bachelorette watchers.
I thought the "Men Tell All" special was lame. Except the part with Graham of course. I thought she was a little mean to him, a bit hostile. I think it's just because she still wants him. Haha.
I was completely SHOCKED when Jeremy wasn't chosen. I had to lift my jaw up off the floor. Not kidding. But I do like Jesse. I just felt sorry for Jeremy, AKA Mr. Perfect. I think she should end up with Jason, he's such a cutie. But if we're going off past Bachelor's then she'll end up with Jesse, because it seems like they always pick who I don't want them to. Who do you think she'll end up with? AND......if it doesn't end up working with whomever she picks, will her and Graham pick up where they left off? Haha. I wish!