Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kid Books

I think think this blog is coming to an end. I wanted to have it to show fun craft ideas, but I have been lacking in that department lately. So it has mostly been a boring book/tv show blog. And that is lame. But for today I thought I'd share a couple more of my favorite kid books. Does anyone know of a blog or website with GOOD kid books? I've found a few, but then the books turn out to be LAME.

I'm loving Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek
by Eileen Christelow

It's a little longer that her other toddler monkey books.

Pat the Bunny

by Dorothy Kunhardt

Both of my boys can't seem to get enough of this book. It's a touch and feel book.


Lisa and DJ said...

I LOVE the pat the bunny book! Aubrey destroyed it, so I need to get a new one. Thanks for reminding me! :)

Merilee said...

We have the five little mokeys book and my boys love it. I'll have to get the bunny one.

Denna said...

No! Don't let this blog come to an end... I love it! That's my vote! Cute books, I'll have to go check them out.

Josh, Lindsie, and Ava said...

I LOVE this blog! Keep it going, I enjoy reading it so much.