Help! I am having a humanitarian group for church at my house in a couple weeks, and I had planned on making file folder games. I made this one for Jackson the other day just to see how much it would cost me. I went to have it laminated, and it cost me $6.00. Crazy huh? I thought it was a big rip off. I even called a few stores ahead of time to get the best price.
So do any of you know a cheap way to laminate these other than using contact paper? We HAVE to laminate them, because they have to be durable since they will be sent to orphanages and around the world. I would love any suggestions.
A couple websites I found some good file folder games in case anyone wants to make them are:

6 bucks? I've been coloring and working on some file folders for Aubrey...but I didn't realize it would be that much! I really wish I had some other ideas for you. Sorry, but good luck!
Maybe where it is a humanitarian project, a school would be willing to let you laminate at cost? Just a thought. Also you would think the church would have some kind of a deal or an account with somewhere, maybe ask the bishop.
Hi Krista-
I have a laminator here. I think it will do maximum sizes of 8 1/2 by 14. So it would definitly work for the little things. You would just have to buy the pouches that they go in but I don't think they are expensive. Anyway- I hope I can help. Call me and you can come over and look at my laminator. How's that for a pick up line!
you can get cheap laminators at sams club and walmart. they would for sure be worth it. my aunt has had hers for about 15 years already and it still works. i love sugardoodle too!
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