I finished the 4th and final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, and I'm not a fan. For some reason I just couldn't get in to it. I was disappointed with the ending considering the fact that I don't like Edward. He gives me the creeps for some reason. What did you all think about it? And are you on Team Jacob or Team Edward. I have a feeling I may be the only Jacob lover.

I am not really on either team. haha I used to hate Jacob, but Edward got so boring and controlling that he lost his appeal. I really liked Jacob in this book. I liked the book overall, but hated the ending too. There needed to be more contention and sacrifice, someone needed to die. I guess I really just liked this book because I could relate, from a mothers standpoint, ya know.
I agree with you, overall this book was pretty lame. And I too did not like the ending. I found myself reading it just to finish it and not because I was hooked or really into it. Sorta dissapointing.
I didn't really love it either. Atleast not as much as the other 3 books. But sorry, I'm still on Team Edward. :)
Team Edward. I didn't love this book either though...being in YW and knowing all the teenage girls who worship these books, I think she went a little far in some parts. It was really anti-climactic...and I agree, someone needed to die. What about Jacob imprinting on the baby...that's just creepy. Sorry, I never should have gotten started!
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