Thursday, July 17, 2008

Got Shade?

Some people with the Phil and Teds stroller complain about lack of shade in the back seat. I actually dont' find this much of a problem. Alot of the time, my babe is shaded from the first seat anyway. Here's a shade that you can put on if you find you need it, and it's not all that hideous looking either (if you must have shade).

For anyone looking for a double stoller......this is the one to get in my opinion. There's too many reasons why I love it to list them all. But one of the main reasons is because sometimes my 3 year old wants to ride his bike or walk along with me, and then there's the times where he wants to ride in the stroller. I love how you can make it a single or double stroller within 3 seconds.
This is definately my favorite thing for the boys!

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