Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Hills Season Premiere

I'm happy to announce that I finally have gotten my fix of The Hills. Well, let me take that back. I was REALLY disappointed that it wasn't an hour long, because really when they are 30 minute episodes they turn out to be like 13 minutes after all the recaps and commericals.

So I used to be a Lo hater, but after tonight's episode I am totally on her side. Forget Audrina. Spencer and Heidi had their scripts rehearsed as usual. And I'm sure the "thing" going on between Lauren and Doug won't last. Does it ever?

I'm already looking forward to next Monday. Sad, but true.


Pam said...

I still haven't watched it...can you believe that? What am I thinking???

Denna said...

You are so funny! I've seen a few episodes and felt funny like I was watching shows for teenagers, but really liking it - I guess I'm not the only one! I can't believe you have 2 blogs -You're amazing! I want to be like you when I grow up!