Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I always start looking for Christmas presents months before the Holidays. I haven't been able to stop thinking about this awesome puzzle that I want to buy for the boys. It's definately the coolest puzzle I've ever seen, and it's even better that it's a snake. My boys would LOVE it. It's a little pricey, so I'm still hesitant to buy it. But I LOVE it. The usnavyretiredvet's shop on ETSY has tons of really cool puzzles.


Mel said...

Cam would love that too! Thanks for a great idea!

Kohnie said...

You always find the coolest things. Maybe you should start making a Christmas list so I can have some ideas for your family!

Merilee said...

I saw one like that before on a brainy baby show, and wondered where to find one. Thanks! I think I am going to buy one for my boys. :)