Friday, January 21, 2011

i'm obsessed with the color yellow right now. i just can't seem to get enough.
i love my oilcloth tablecloth, because i can just wipe it so easily.
i bought one awhile back from modern june on etsy, and i have been so happy with it.

but this one has caught my eye at anthro. i keep waiting each week for it to go on sale, but i'm not sure i will really buy it when it does. i'm just afraid the kids will ruin it. because really, there is not a day that goes by that they aren't painting, coloring with all sorts of things, playing play-dough, stamps, and everything else messy. isn't it pretty though?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I LOVE the one you have. SO pretty! :) I'm a big yellow fan right now, too.