Saturday, January 29, 2011


i'm so sad. one of my kids' favorite places to play, rafiki, closed. and they aren't
opening a new one anytime soon.

holy moley! i am almost done with my blurb book for 2009-2010. i remember paying around $80 the first time i made one. i just checked prices after spending hours making this one, and it is going to be around $180. WOAH! i guess i have a ton more pages, and maybe their prices went up.

do you patch your kids' jeans? or buy them new when they got holes?

jake got me the cutest prints from etsy for christmas . now i just need an ikea so i can go get their ribba frames for them. i can't find any frames i like as much. i'm so excited cause i got a utah, brazil, idaho, and california print. love them!

we got our parents these family trees for christmas this year. i think they turned
out so pretty. i want one for myself someday. my favorite thing is that the green leaves show the country/state the person was born in. it's fun to see where our ancestors are from.

i wish that i would come home one day to find this in my master bath. it's so much better than a plain builder mirror. pretty sure jake would never do it for me though.

someday i want a house with a hidden room. preferably a book room full of books and comfy chairs with electric blankets to keep me warm. this one is pretty awesome.


Lisa and DJ said...

Whoa! My blurb books haven't cost that much! It's all worth it and still cheaper than paper scrapbooking, but that's a lot!

FYI, we're doing the framed mirrors in our house right now. :)

Merilee said...

I've always loved hidden rooms and secret passageways. That one is really cool.

the mama monster said...

i love that room! we stay at a beach house in san diego that has a hidden room with bunk beds, it is behind a bookcase. i
i have been wanting those prints too. maybe i should just order some!